Climate Commitment

Our mission is to bring gamers an eco-friendly way to save money and enjoy gaming. Reducing needless waste on mining, manufacturing and transporting new products when millions of pounds of perfectly good electronics are thrown away each year is very important. Here are some stats:

According to the Global E-waste Monitor 2020, the world generated a record 53.6 million metric tons of e-waste in 2019, with only 17.4% of it being recycled. And, according to a report by the United Nations University, producing a new desktop computer and monitor requires approximately 240 kg of fossil fuels, 22 kg of chemicals, and 1.5 tons of water!

85% of a PC's CO2 emissions come from the manufacturing - an average of 661kg CO2. That's equivalent to the emissions of a car driving over 2,000 miles! We severely cut down on that number by certifying and re-using electronics that otherwise would pollute the Earth. The only mandatory new parts are the PSU & Storage.

With a 2-year parts warranty (beating 1-year industry standard for PCs), rest assured that your Green Beast Gaming machine will keep up with your most demanding needs. Our work always has the Earth in mind. For example, we avoid single-use plastics such as zip ties and bags – opting for reusable straps and paper-based materials instead.

We make the massive advantages of re-using electronics accessible to the masses at a better value than comparable new products!